ACW, AOW, AAW, and AVW all have a particularly dense overrepresentation of tiny countries and territories like San Marino and Guam as well as countries where the coverage is just a few tiny spots like the Dominican Republic and Pakistan. Under duels scoring, what this amounts to in most cases is that these locations purely serve as multiplier padders, not to mention other incentives like how in a map with such a distribution if a location in the Italy area just feels like it might just have a 20% chance to be San Marino it's beneficial to just guess San Marino because under the scoring you're that much more likely to have a good score margin.
I anticipate that some people will bring up the objection "only change this for higher levels, for players at lower levels they are not multiplier padders", to which I will point out that the overrepresentation of tiny places is not good for players at any level: to more beginning players this amounts to fostering a distorted view and understanding of the covered world.