Provide explanatory notes with map changes
Suggestion: when you change a map, explain why. A few months back, the NM map for masters was changed to Geoguessr Saturday. I noticed that it was much more rural, which led me to wonder if something was wrong with my seeds. I eventually learned via Discord about the map, which I ended up loving because it forced me to learn landscapes and vegetation. The switch back to ACW was similarly confusing. I kept wondering how I was getting so many urban seeds. So, I think it would help everyone if you explained the decision to switch maps so people know what to prioritize.
Good feedback! We do ask people on Discord about their opinions, which is also posted on Reddit by some users. I will relay this on to the team to see if we can make it clearer :)
Filip Great! Just a few sentences could do it: "The map gives more weight to suburban seeds and smaller countries, but continues to features the landscapes seeds you'd find in Geoguessr Saturday. The purpose of the change is to rewards players who are strong with vegetation and landscapes
language, place names, and signage."Filip
WeValueYourFeedback: Thanks! :)
Filip Following-up: I've played the new map -- ACW -- the last two days and lost nearly 150 elo points. It's almost as if I'm playing a different game. Have you heard of other NM Master players going through the same thing? I saw some people on Discord talking about it but wanted to ask here. Thx.
WeValueYourFeedback: Havent gotten that through here or support. I know we hade a bug yesterday evening around 21:00 UTC when the tournament went down and impacted the site but not anything particular to the map choice.