Let 'suspected cheaters' explain their guess
I like the new addition of 'investigations', however it feels very incomplete because there are a lot of factors we don't know about the suspected cheater. That's why I suggest letting them explain their guess in a round that was reported. For example, a player instasends New Zealand and their opponent reports the round. The suspected cheater receives a notification and they are given a chance (but don't have to) to explain how they guessed the country. They might write something like "I saw a NZ bollard" or "The landscape looks like South island, I am a kiwi myself" Of course, it easy to just lie but I think it would help because every person knows some metas that their opponents don't and that's one of the reasons why they might be suspected in cheating.
This is not something we will add currently. As it is now all investigation cases are checked with the team. We are testing to see if the reviewers accuracy as a whole can be the basis of automated actions in the future. But we are not there yet since we are still in the testing phase.
If a player gets banned now they can contact and give explanations to the rounds as well.