Most of the players would definitely agree that the multiplier system is very anti-competitive, we all experienced games where we were doing a flawless and our opponent just got luckier on a plonk Russia and win, it's just awful, and sometimes it's the other way around, we win on luck and it's not a pleasant victory
The luck in obviously inherent in geoguessr but the multipliers are drastically increasing it and I stand for a change.
Here is my proposition, if it's not implemented in competitive I would really like to have the option in custom games.
Having personal multiplier increasing when a player wins a round. If you win, you get 0.5 multiplier (or less) and your opponent none. If the next round is won by your opponent it would be 1.5x for both, but if you win the second round as well, you would get a 2x multiplier and your opponent only 1x etc...
There are two main arguments :
  • Players that are clearly above for most of the rounds will snowball and get a good multiplier while comebacks are still possibles but requires more effort than just a lucky guess
  • Every round will count, random plonks in Luxembourg or Andorra just because the country is useless would stop and people will really play every round, each country would matter and be worth learning
These two points will make the game more competitive and reward precise and complete players.