Ban the Alts
I hate alts as much as the next person, but I think realistically this is too hard to implement.
Multiple flatmates or family members can easily share the same IP Address.
Hardware identifiers like MAC address are typically not available to the browser.
There are other ways to attempt to uniquely identify individuals, but they are too privacy invasive.
My solution is to make alts get to their real ranking as fast as possible.
In overwatch, you do 5 placement matches before reaching your real rank. You also gain more elo when on win streaks. These things combined mean alts get to their real rating within a few hours of playtime.
For this to work the requirement of ranking up maximum one division per week would need to be dropped.
speedlemur problem with this is cheaters, we dont want a bunch of cheaters at 2,2k elo constantly
That is a good idea, adding a level restriction for comp, like level 60 or something would be easy to preventing alts
TTV CLD_Pika This is not a bad idea, make it for only Master and Champions so people can still play ranked Bronze, Silver and Gold but can't alt the top ranks
TTV CLD_Pika I like this idea. All our family play, sometimes on the same computers (especially if we e.g. are on holiday and don't want to lose our daily challenge streaks!). And I have no idea how you would distinguish us from alt accounts.
But having had to invest enough time in an account is a good way of capping progress somehow, which can be measured by the level. I like the fact that it isn't just about duels but than you can have played other modes/formats. I think it would be enough of a deterrent to make not creating alt accounts worthwhile.
All for it but as other's said, it is kinda hard to implement and 1v1 casual duels could remove some alts. Though, many alts seem to be higher ranked than their real persons...
And add also Unranked Solo duel in the same update
Alt is essential for playing ranked in a chill manner or without the risk of losing rating on the main profile.
Casual 1v1 duels would fix this issue. It however doesn't fix the issue where alt is higher than the main profile.
Or when alts are harassing all the lower divisions, it's ridiculous. Who is so good or important, that can't play with his original account?
Lorek if youre so scared of losing rating on your main profile just dont play comp. comp is not meant to be 'chill.' alts ruin the experience for the lower rated players they farm to get back up to their main elo
True; I had an account literally named "totally not an alt account" and he wiped me out, kinda annoying that this happens sometime, especially if its a undercover one and you get confused on why they are so good. Why make alts for ranked? It doesnt really make any sense.
Easy Name
Then you'd have to ban FrankTheHunk5000
Easy Name He doesn't play ranked
Figsy_Games he has before
Graham Christie
I agree, I hear a lot of people saying it can't be done and they are correct to a point, but where there is a will there is a way. Using ip address will not as people use VPN's or non static ip, I use a VPN because believe it or not from South Africa, my movement and speed of image loading is faster using a London VPN address than my local isp, there are also two players in my house. If a device ID can be factored into signing in, then maybe that's a possibility. At the very least GEOGUESSR should be making a statement basically saying for competitive, ALT / smurfing is not permitted as they do for googling, which is something they have yet failed to, most likely for financial reasons.
Don't ban me please. Also add downvote button
Romeo Ziva
How do you want to ban them? Manually judging who is alt and who isnt? Because there is no other way, way bigger games have been unsuccessfully trying to solve this for decades and they have much more possibilities than a browser game.
"Other games have solved this issue by banning Alts, Only allowing 1 account Per player in Ranked mode" This is a blatant lie, alts are in almost every game unless they tie gov id to acc which wont work for geo for obvious reasons.
Romeo Ziva Using as a comparison. only allows 1 account too play in ranked matches, you may apply for a second account to use in casual play however they have a lot of rules on what you can and can't do on an alt. I do agree it would be hard, however just inforceing a no smurfing in ranked policy will deture many players from using alt accounts to play ranked.
Looking at the leaderboard today, the account in 2nd place is a level 31 with 1 game played, thats a joke.
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